Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's not about what ive done, but what i can do.

For all my life, especially recently, Ive dwelled on what Ive done in the past. Things i cant change. things im not necessarily PROUD of, but things i cant change. Finally, God has helped me realize that the past is the past. You should learn from it, but move on from things you cant change, because its a waste of your time you have to make a difference in your future. Life isn't about what Ive done, what i should've done, or what i could've done... its about what i can do, and what i will do. My life is about to make a change for the better. I mean, we all make mistakes in life. Its how we handle them that makes us who we are.

We are what we do, not what we did. Now if we continue doing what we used to do, we cant be upset that we are still what we were, simply because we're still doing what we did.
-Ramon Loftony

♥Anna Marie


  1. anna, this is mckenna! i love your blog and what your thinking about, its so deep its really making me think...

  2. My little Anna Marie! Its sophie signed in as mckenna. I love you my sweetheart! this blog is really amazing! I hope you get many a follower!

  3. Mckenna:
    Thanks so much! thats exactly what i hoped for ♥

    Why tank yah :) I hope so too!

    Love you two dearies. Thanks again,
    Anna Marie

  4. Wow....oh my darling, your just well as your blog :) I'm so so so glad you posted this. Not that I'm living in my past, I just needed a little reminder, and who better to remind me than you?! :) Congrats your blog and posts and you doll <3 em

  5. Woops! Meant congrats ON your blog and posts and thoughts haha :)
