Saturday, March 3, 2012

Everything Is a Form of Worship

It's Saturday and its beautiful. The sun is beaming and the rays are bouncing off my cheeks and im able to bask in God's goodness. A word came to mind... Love. The rolling clouds, the birds chirping, and the leaves on a tree swaying is a reminder of Gods love for humanity. As i was folding my laundry and preparing breakfast, it suddenly dawned on me why the Japanese are so meticulous in their ways and do everything with precision. Since the Japanese culture consists of millions and millions of Gods, they do it out of reverence and worship to whatever they are doing. Its "karma." Then it got me thinking, how much more would Christians be like the Japanese if we truly understood that all that we have dont belong to us but are Gods? Things wouldnt be wasted so easily and hoarded. We wouldnt be so messy, but organized.. knowing that we are just pilgrims on this earth. The poor would be fed, the widows and orphans taken care of. People wouldnt be sold in exchange for money and clothes would be folded neatly. Lots of things that we've done to this earth is because we've limited our way of worshiping God. We are IGNORANT of how breathtakingly beautiful and great and awesome our God is. Today while folding laundry and making breakfast, i understood the higher purpose of things. I was able to find such delight in putting the eggs away in the right place, making them look beautiful and presentable, because it was no longer out of fear or carelessness, but truly out of acknowledging Gods presence and a form of worship to him. I no longer do it because i HAVE to, but because i GET to.

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